Workshop on Free Trade Agreements and Trade in Services

Ministry of Commerce, Director of Trade, A workshop on free trade agreements and trade in services organized by the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) will be held from 24 to 26 June 2020 at the Ministry of Commerce,Conference Hall, Office No. (3).


On the first day of the workshop, the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Planning and Finance and Industry, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Information Ministry of Religion and Culture, Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Irrigation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and the Ministry of Electricity and Energy; A total of 25 representatives attended the meeting.


On the second day of the workshop, the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Health and Sports: A total of Twenty-five representatives attended.


Then, on the third day of the workshop, the Ministry of Commerce; worker, Ministry of Immigration and Population; Ministry of Education Ministry of Construction Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement; Ministry of Hotels and Tourism; Office of the Attorney General of the Union; Office of the Union Supreme Court; Twenty-five representatives from the Office of the Auditor General of the Union and the Central Bank of Myanmar attended.


The meeting was held to brief on the status of negotiations and commitments in regional service trade agreements. Understand the local needs for implementation of regional agreements and the sectoral challenges in the implementation process; The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the way forward.