Workshop on Fruit and Flower Export Promotion
A fruit and vegetable export workshop was held in Nay Pyi Taw at 9:00 am today with the aim of gaining technology and knowledge from growers and exporters to increase export earnings and increase export earnings. Held at the Ministry of Commerce; Union Minister U Win Myint; Deputy Minister Dr Pwint San and officials from departments; Myanmar is rich in fruits and vegetables. Chairman and Central Executive of the Association of Floriculture and Vegetable Growers and Exporters; Officials from Region / State Associations, with reporters ၊ Florists and exporters attend.
At the workshop, the Union Minister addressed the gathering. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce Expansion of flower and vegetable production; Exporting and marketing activities are important for Myanmar's fruit and vegetable industry. We are cooperating with flower and vegetable growers and exporters association and departments. For the development of the fruit and vegetable sector, mangrove zones will be established in areas with high production and trade markets. Potato Zone၊ Cabbage Zone Tea Zone In addition to crop zones such as Panman Zone, crop clusters are being formed in each region. Crop clusters; Crop zones For the continued development and strengthening of organizations, Associations need to continue their efforts. Unity among organizations; We must focus on cooperation and consultation. Mango watermelon, Prices have been raised due to the reform and upgrading of the whole process, from the cultivation of fruits such as cucumbers to domestic / export sales. Production and export increased year by year due to the acquisition of the market. To improve the living standards of flower growers; Traders offer modern packaging and packaging services. Fruit processing and export; He called for the development of the flower sector as a whole. Hla Maw Oo, Director-General of the Department of Trade Promotion and Consumer Affairs; U Soe Than Min Din, Chairman of Flower and Vegetable Growers and Exporters Association, made a presentation. Four papers were read and presented by departmental and departmental reporters and associations. Afterwards, roundtable discussions were held on the presentations of the reporters, and the Chairman clarified the discussions and the workshop was adjourned at 16:45 pm. Hla Maw Oo, Director-General of the Department of Trade Promotion and Consumer Affairs; U Soe Than Min Din, Chairman of Flower and Vegetable Growers and Exporters Association, made a presentation. Four papers were read and presented by departmental and departmental reporters and associations. Afterwards, roundtable discussions were held on the presentations of the reporters, and the Chairman clarified the discussions and the workshop was adjourned at 16:45 pm. Hla Maw Oo, Director-General of the Department of Trade Promotion and Consumer Affairs; U Soe Than Min Din, Chairman of Flower and Vegetable Growers and Exporters Association, made a presentation. Four papers were read and presented by departmental and departmental reporters and associations. Afterwards, roundtable discussions were held on the presentations of the reporters, and the Chairman clarified the discussions and the workshop was adjourned at 16:45 pm. Four papers were read out by reporters from departments and associations. Afterwards, roundtable discussions were held on the presentations of the reporters, and the Chairman clarified the discussions and the workshop was adjourned at 16:45 pm. Four papers were read out by reporters from departments and associations. Afterwards, roundtable discussions were held on the presentations of the reporters, and the Chairman clarified the discussions and the workshop was adjourned at 16:45 pm.